



3.温州旅游指南 英语作文





       海南度假前的准备工作 Hainan holiday preparations


       Decision of the Hainan after the line, I will press kept ready up. Responsible for good dad booked hotel and airline ticket, other everything come very naturally to throw me.


       Use of this few days, I as far as possible to search relevant Hainan holiday especially parent-child holiday on the Raiders, because we basically is to the main hotel, so that a piece of content on the spot I basically browsed, anyway also in mobile phone store good about Hainan local travel agent telephone, if really to go out to play, can also choose the local Hainan star travel agency.


       Only yesterday, I went to Yalong Bay Hilton Hotel played 10 call, ask the weather conditions, room settings, ask the nearby shopping mall and the availability of baby supplies, exactly five Stars Hotel, the service is good, providing milk heater and a disinfection cabinet, which I will save to.


       On the preparation of goods, column list, five days 4 nights pure vacation line to prepare oh:

       大人部分:Adult section

       :1.零食若干。Some 1 snacks.

       2. 护肤品:SPF50以上防水性好的防晒露,晒后镇定修护露,喷雾,面膜,洗面奶、洗发水、沐浴露(滋润型)、护发素、保湿水、保湿喷雾、花露水。2 skin care products: SPF50 above good waterproof sunscreen lotion, after-sun calm repair lotion, spray, mask, cleansing cream, shampoo, shower gel ( moisturizing), hair conditioner, moisturizing, moisturizing spray, toilet water.


       3: summer clothing short-sleeved shorts, pajamas sets, 3 sets of 1 slippers ( Heren ), swimwear, swimming mirror, replace the underwear ( five days five sets), clothing with white, yellow, rose red mainly.

       4.药物:止泻药、感冒药、解暑药、藿香正气水、消炎药、创可贴、蚊不叮、眼药水、力度伸。4: the antidiarrheal drugs, cold medicine, Jieshu drug, Huoxiang, anti-inflammatory drugs, band-aid, mosquitoes do not bite, eye drops, redoxon.

       5. 遮阳用品:墨镜、雨伞、太阳帽。

       5 shade supplies: sunglasses, sun hat, umbrella.

       6. 电子用品:手机及充电器、数码相机及充电器。

       6 electronic products: mobile phone and charger, digital cameras and charger.

       7. 重要物品:现金、信用卡、身份证、机票。

       7 important items: cash, credit card, identity card, ticket.

       8. 其他:中行李箱1个、儿童行李箱1个、随身背包1个、食品袋、笔和记事小本、太空杯1个、多用旅行剪刀、弹簧称、手电筒。

       8: the other 1 children Li Xiang, 1, Luggage Backpack 1, food bag, pen and notepad small, space cup 1, multipurpose travel scissors, a spring, a flashlight.

       宝宝部分:Baby part


       In 1, the clothes: short-sleeved shorts 5, sugar 1, sun hat 2 top, sandals;

       2、食品及用品:奶粉、米糊、汤料、鱼肝油、乳加力、磨牙饼干、婴儿肉松;2, food and supplies: milk powder, rice, soup, cod liver oil, milk afterburner, teething biscuits, baby dried meat floss;


       3: toys, toy in 3, 1 of which take a shower toys; baby swimming ( collar)

       4、用品:尿不湿25片、隔尿垫、瓢根2个、小碗2个、奶瓶1个、饮水杯1个、奶瓶刷、纱布手帕、围兜、袜子若干、小毛巾2块、睡袋1个、浴巾1条、小毛毯1块、磨牙棒、湿巾纸、面巾纸;Products: 4, urine is not wet 25, urine pad, gourd root of 2, 2, 1 small bottles, drinking cup 1, a bottle brush, gauze handkerchief, bib, socks, towels 2, several small sleeping bag 1, bath towel 1, small blanket, molar stick, 1 blocks wet tissue paper, tissue paper;


       In 5, the drug : electronic thermometer, nasal cream, ice stick, Ai Chang, good clearance, dispenser, mosquito patches,


       In 6, skin care products: Baby sunscreen, shower gel, shampoo, facial cream, baby jinshui.海南之行就要启程了。

       亚龙湾应该是很美的,希望我的好好能够适应和享受这次旅行哦!!The trip to Hainan will start. Yalong Bay is very beautiful, I hope that the good can be adapted and enjoy this trip!!


       设计一个旅游指南的英文是Design a travel guide。






温州旅游指南 英语作文





       Wenzhou is located in the middle of China's gold coast, the southeastern Zhejiang Province, East China Sea, east, west, Yeosu, south, northern Fujian, the North pass Taizhou, is south of Zhejiang's economic and cultural center and transportation hub, but also opening up China's first batch of cities 1.

       Because of the local amenities, Wenzhou, named after the climate, winter and no cold, summer without heat, light abundant rainfall.

       Wenzhou Yishanbangshui territory rich in natural landscapes, mountains Xiushui many charming scenery, known as "Southeast landscape under heaven" in reputation. Yandangshan, Nanxi is a national key scenic spots, reputation striking. Wenzhou Yandangshan, quality, unique, which has always been hailed as "sea mountain", "Huanzhong must win" to in order to peak, hole, stone, spring, while those claiming victory. Qifeng rocks, Chong-Song Saga; Maolin valleys and winding detour; waterfalls Nagareizumi, such as the belt if the training; Yan Hu sunrise, 100 Gang sea of clouds, Lingfeng night, is even more amazing Yeongam Feidu absolutely magic, so that were impressive, well versed in the beauty of creation Heavenly Creations. With the Yandangshan different Nanxi Zeyi known for the beautiful rural landscapes. Guta, bridges, ancient arch and by the concept of the Five Elements Feng Shui built Lotus Village, Cang urban and rural areas, giving a feeling of well-chic, people can not help but indulge in profound ancient Chinese culture. The same time, Wenzhou, sea, water scenery has also aroused enchanted. Nanji Islands is full of natural charm and fabulous charm and unique island flavor and local characteristics, known as "The Big Spirit Mountain," "Tony algae kingdom" of the reputation.

       Wenzhou is not only beautiful natural scenery, the local cultural landscape is also quite rich. Name a few, as well as a large number of ancient cultural sites of the Tower Bridge Song Ming and Qing Dynasty tomb of well people in another state of mind can also appreciation of the different kind scenery of Wenzhou.

       In addition, Wenzhou is the forefront of reform and opening up an earlier city, famous for its prominent position of the domestic business, trade and economy is well developed. Wenzhou businessmen have a smash hit all over the seas five continents, Art Institute of Chicago.


       1.Go and get some tourist brochures2.Buy some essential commodity3.Get your passport4.Ask for a vacation5.Decide means of transportation6.Get informed of some of the tourist destination7.Prepare your luggage8.Go to the tourist agency for some details


       英语翻译:Route planning should be done before tourism.



       英文:tourism; tour; junketing


       英文:route; line; way; itinerary; channel


       英文:planning; programming; layout; project; schematization
